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psychological cost中文是什么意思

用"psychological cost"造句"psychological cost"怎么读"psychological cost" in a sentence


  • 心理成本


  • Using each object exacts a physical , emotional or psychological cost from the owner . just holding one makes you a target for murder
  • It has break - through as follows : the text has proposed and analyzed actor fraud ' s intension of the control system , actor fraud ' s psychological cost , and put forward the standard of judging the primary and secondary inducement , the primary inducement of chinese management fraud
  • The decrease in cultivated average farmland mainly and the farm capital substituting function on the workforce embody agricultural repel strength . the absorbing forces in rural and urban area use one liner regression model predicting the absorbing power of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry in rural region and the urban as a whole . the shifting frictional force shows as economic cost and psychological cost mainly
用"psychological cost"造句  
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